Test Conference Enlightenment with Greg Paskal – Test Talks

After attending a test conference do you sometimes wish a presentation or workshop could have been better? If you’re like Greg the answer is yes. In this episode Greg shares his thoughts on his latest experience at STAREAST as well as some key takeaways and related thoughts he … Source: joecolantonio.com/testtalks/158-test-conference-enlightenment/

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Google Test Automation Conference (GTAC) Review with Greg Paskal – Test Talks

Google Test Automation Conference (GTAC) Since I’m getting ready to put on my first online conference dedicated to automation, I thought it would be fun to hear about Google’s Test Automation Conference (GTAC) from one of its participants – Greg Paskal. Greg is no stranger to TestTalks. This is his 4th appearance, and he brings…

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Real World Test Automation Survey Results with Greg Paskal – Test Talks

It’s the middle of 2016 – a good time to take a mid-year pulse of what’s going on in the test automation community. In this episode we’ll TestTalk with Greg Paskal, author of Test Automation in the Real World and Director of Quality Assurance-Automation at Ramsey Solutions, A Dave … Source: joecolantonio.com/testtalks/112-real-world-test-automation-survey-results-greg-paskal/

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Test Automation and the challenges of Complex Data

The Complex Data Process is a strategy that is implemented through test automation technologies. Programmatic code functions help implement the process of breaking down and analyzing the data into small, manageable tasks. This creates opportunities to refine and improve it over time. Gains are also realized in reusability, leading to a greater return on investment…

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