Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away. What do all these movies have in common? Tom Hanks is arguably one of the most talented actors of our time. I’m amazed each time I see him perform, drawing me into his latest character as if I had never seen him in any previous role. What movie…
So you’ve hired the finest Test Engineers and acquired the best Test Tools. So why are you experiencing modest results? Today, let’s talk about the strengths and weaknesses of Testing Talents and Tools and help you build a strategy to up your game, raising the bar of your Team and their Testing Efforts.
Learn practical ways to blend your Test Strategy into Test Automation efforts. Bring your real-world test planning and automation questions for an interactive session, guiding your team to greater benefits in Test Engineering.
Learn to avoid a common trap Automation Engineers fall into called “Go for Green.” Develop the radar for detecting this problem and build into your team culture the tools to talk about “Go for Green,” where and when it’s most likely to happen.
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